Author: John


The Florida Supreme Court has given the go ahead for a constitutional amendment to appear on the November 2014 election ballot. If approved by 60% of the voter’s, Florida will join 21 other states in permitting medical marijuana use.medical marijuana drug test orlando Currently other states including New York, Georgia, Utah, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Kansas, Mississippi, Ohio,Tennessee and Missouri are considering  medical marijuana usage by legislation or constitutional amendment. Stay tuned to ADT for more information about Medical marijuana laws and how they may affect employers and drug free work place programs.

What does medical marijuana mean for Florida’s drug free workplace?

This has been a topic of contention in many states. But the fact remains, if you are Department of Transportation (DOT) employed, in a safety-sensitive position you will not be able to consume or be under the influence of medical marijuana on the job. Many drug free work place policies that are not in the safety sensitive category will still not allow medical marijuana use while on the job. So can you still test and terminate employees in violation of your drug free work place policy and be in compliance with federal discrimination law? Call Accredited Drug Testing today to get some advice as it varies by state.
drug free workplace drug test
We anticipate many Florida Supreme court cases involving medical marijuana and discrimination based on the aforementioned basis. As there is not precedence in law, it may be an issue for many employers in the state of Florida. We just advise our clients to be aware of this, their rights, and to protect themselves from liability with an updated drug free work place policy and company drug testing requirements

Accredited Drug Testing has over 25 years experience in third party administration, drug test company administration, drug free workplace policy, consortium, DOT, Paternity, and breath alcohol testing. When you need a drug test, choose the best.


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Benefits of a Florida Drug Free Workplace


In 1990 the Florida Legislature enacted a State law titled “Florida Drug-Free Workplace” F.S 112.0455. This law provided specific requirements which an employer must comply with in order to be certified as a Florida Drug Free Workplace. The benefits of the Florida Drug Free Workplace Act are available for employers who are “certified” as a Florida Drug-Free Workplace. The State of Florida through this law encourages employers to drug test employees and promotes a safe  Drug-Free Workplace environment.

How To Become A Florida Drug-Free Workplace?

Accredited Drug Testing Inc provides full compliance with Florida’s Drug-Free Workplace Act and all components necessary for an employer to be certified as a Florida Drug Free Workplace. Any business regardless of size, who wishes to be certified must implement and maintain all requirements of the Florida Drug Free Workplace law.

In addition to providing all of the services needed to comply as a Florida Drug Free Workplace, Accredited Drug Testing Inc has drug testing centers in all Florida cities.

To find a Florida drug testing center – Click Here

The State of Florida encourages all businesses regardless of size to be a Florida Drug Free Workplace and compliance with all requirements can provide many benefits for a Florida employer.

What are the benefits in becoming a Florida Drug Free workplace?

Benefits of a Florida Drug Free Workplace include 

·         Reduction in employee absenteeism ·         Reduction of employee theft
·         Improved employee morale ·         Dedicated employees
·         Enhance customer service ·         Reduction in health care cost
·         Reduction in work related accidents ·         Workers compensation discount

Additional Benefits For The Employer 

When an employee has a positive test result which violates the employers Drug Free Workplace Policy, the State of Florida provides the employer a defense in a Workers Compensation or unemployment claim.

Florida Statute 440.102 provides that medical and indemnity benefits are forfeited, and an employee may be discharged for testing positive for alcohol or a prohibited drug, or refuses to test, provided the employer has a program in compliance with the Workers’ Compensation Premium Reduction Act.

Furthermore, benefits are denied if the injury was caused primarily by employee’s intoxication or use of drugs not prescribed by a physician. If the employer does not have a certified program, an injured employee’s positive test or refusal to test creates a rebuttable presumption that the injury was caused primarily by the impairment, unless the employer has actual knowledge of and acquiesced while the employee was under the influence. Fla. Stat. §440.09(Supp. 2006).

In other words, if drugs are found in the employee’s system, that employee may not be entitled to workers compensation benefits under Florida Law.

Can the Florida Drug Free Workplace Program Save Money $$$

Florida companies that qualify as a Florida Drug Free Workplace can receive a 5% discount on their workers’ compensation insurance policy if the employer has properly implemented and continuously maintains all of the regulatory requirements of the Florida Drug Free Workplace Program.

 Florida Drug Free Workplace requirements include 

  • A written drug and alcohol policy (distributed and acknowledged by all employees)
  • 60-day testing commencement notification to employees
  • Supervisor training (reasonable suspicion)
  • Employee drug and alcohol testing program
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • Drug testing must be conducted by a certified laboratory
  • Drug test results must be verified by a Medical Review Officer
  • Completion of a Florida Drug Free Workplace application  (workers compensation credit)

To Review The Florida Drug Free Workplace Law – Click Here

The Florida Drug Free Workplace statute requires an employer to conduct pre-employment, reasonable suspicion and post-accident drug testing, random drug testing is optional.

Employers who do conduct random drug and alcohol testing must ensure that the company’s drug and alcohol policy state that random drug testing will be conducted. Random drug testing selection must be conducted in an impartial manner utilizing a random selection program which is administered by a computer program or other neutral process.

For more information on becoming certified as a Florida Drug Free Workplace call us today 800-221-4291 or send us a message

“Need A Test, Choose The Best”


Related image

Kratom, or  Mitragyna speciosa, is a tree native to southeast Asia which has leaves that can be manufactured into a high-producing drug when ingested. Sold over the counter, Kratom has been abused all over America, with calls to the U.S Poison Control Center associated with Kratom spiking rapidly between 2010-2015. Kratom is commonly marketed as treatment for Addiction, Anxiety, and Depression. At head shops, gas stations, and other general retail businesses, Kratom is sold in the form of raw leaf, powder, gum, capsules, tablets, and as a concentrated extract.

Effects of Kratom:

  • Increased energy and alertness.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Increased sociability.
  • Heightened libido.
  • Analgesia (pain reduction).
  • Drowsiness.
  • Calm, dreamlike mental state.
  • Cough suppression.
  • Reduction in symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

Signs of Kratom use:

  • Pupillary constriction (tiny pupils).
  • Facial flushing (blushing).
  • Tremors or loss of motor coordination.
  • Constipation.
  • Sweating.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Itching.

Common Uses/Misuses of Kratom

Kratom is used as a painkiller, antipyretic (fever reducer), anti-inflammatory, antitussive (cough suppressant), antihypertensive (to lower blood pressure), as a local anesthetic, to lower blood sugar, and as an antidiarrheal. There are no studies linked to the effectiveness of these uses.

Image result for kratom imagesKratom is also illicitly abused, in a fashion similar to prescription pain-killers, touting opiate-mimicking effects. Although Kratom is used by all age groups, there has been a recent increase in use among young adults.

FDA Warnings

The FDA released a statement in 2017 warning against Kratom use.  The conditions that are being treated with Kratom should be treated by licensed professionals. There is also high potential for abuse, as Kratom produces effects similar to Opiates and Stimulants.

Testing for Kratom

Standard drug tests cannot detect  7-Hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine, the main psychoactive components of Kratom. The only way Kratom can be detected is through laboratory testing. It is estimated that Kratom can be tested for up to 5 days after ingestion.

For information on Kratom testing, or to order a Kratom Drug Test, Visit, or call 800-221-4291




DOT Drug Testing
DOT Testing & Compliance

Schedule Drug, Alcohol, DNA Tests

On October 17, 2018, the Federal Transit Administration issued a “Dear Colleague” letter announcing that effective January 1, 2019, the minimum rate of random drug testing will increase from 25 percent to 50 percent of covered employees for employers subject to FTA’s drug and alcohol regulation. This change is due to an increase in the industry’s “positive rate” as reflected in random drug test data for calendar year 2017.  The alcohol testing rate is unchanged for 2019 and will remain at 10 percent.

The FTA will formally announce this increase in a forthcoming Federal Register notice, but has issued the “Dear Colleague” letter in advance to inform transit providers and partner associations of the 2019 drug testing increase and to facilitate early planning.

Click here to read the FTA Full letter in its entirety.

For more information or to enroll in our DOT Consortium call us today at (800)-221-4291



drug testing cut off levels

What is an MRO?

A Medical Review Officer (MRO) is an individual who is a licensed physician and has received additional qualification training and certification  in order to receive and review laboratory results generated by an employer’s drug testing program. A Medical Review Officer (MRO) plays an intricate part of any robust drug testing program for both DOT/NON DOT drug testing regulated employers or individuals.

What are the Medical Review Officer’s responsibilities in the DOT drug testing program?

Listed below are the basic responsibilities/ requirements of a Medical Review Officer as it relates to the DOT Drug Testing Program.

Medical Review Officers/MRO’s…

(a) Are an independent/impartial “gatekeeper” of the drug testing process who also advocates for the accuracy and integrity of the drug testing process.

(b) Provide an overall quality assurance review of the drug testing process (CCF form) for the specimens under their review.

(c) MRO’s must determine whether there is a legitimate medical explanation for a confirmed positive, adulterated, substituted, or invalid drug test result issued from the laboratory.

(d) MRO’s provide medical review of employees’ test results, however it does not imply that there has been established a doctor-patient relationship with the employees whose tests MRO’s review.

(e) Medical Review Officers must act to investigate and correct problems wherever possible and must notify appropriate parties (e.g., HHS, DOT, employers, service agents) where assistance is needed.

(f) MRO’s ensure the timely flow of test results and other information to employers.

(g) MRO’s must protect the confidentiality of the drug testing information.

(h) MRO’s must perform all functions in compliance with part 40 and other DOT agency regulations.

For more information on the full detailed responsibilities of an MRO in the DOT Drug Testing Program, we recommend downloading and reviewing CFR 49 Part 40. (Click Here).

ADT offers a comprehensive drug testing program including analysis at a SAMHSA Certified Laboratory and our in-house Medical Review Officers review all test results whether they are DOT or Non DOT regulated employers or individuals.

For more information regarding the role a Medical Review Officer plays in the drug testing process or to open an employer account today. Call our customer service team at 800-221-4291.


What Is Specimen Validity Testing?

Workplace drug testing today has dramatically since the early 1970’s, along with the types of illicit drugs available the general public.

Over time, it has been a common practice for illegal drug users to attempt to beat (cheat) a drug test. It is also important to realize that as testing methods and technology advances, individuals will continue to find new and creative ways to cheat a urine drug test.

Current trends in attempting to cheat a drug test is Synthetic urine. Many individuals purchase these items with a optimism of attempting to avoid a positive drug test result.

With this influx and the attempts to beat a urine drug test by utilizing synthetic urine products such as UPassTM, Quick Fix®, and Xtream® has attracted the attention of various state lawmakers.

One example would be Representative Willie Bailey of Mississippi which had proposed a bill known as the “Urine Trouble Act” in an effort to address the matter of safety-sensitive employees using synthetic urine to evade drug tests in industries such as transportation and manufacturing. Although the bill passed in the Mississippi House, it was rejected by the state senate.

Furthermore, there is at least seventeen states, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, have pending legislation banning the use and sale of synthetic urine.

There are many choices when choosing a laboratory to perform drug testing analysis, but we recommend utilizing a laboratory which provides validity testing to ensure that a urine drug test specimen is human and has not been tampered with.

Accredited Drug Testing utilizes only SAMHSA Certified Laboratories for all incoming specimens, which include specimen validity testing as part of their drug testing procedure and analysis.

For more information in urine drug testing or to schedule a test call 1-800-221-4291 or click the button below to register today!

Schedule Drug Tests Online


As a Nationwide Third Party Administrator (TPA), we receive numerous inquiries on the topic of random drug testing. Oftentimes random is referred to as “spot,” drug testing and it is a strong deterrent to drug users because it is conducted on an unannounced basis.

Employers should also have a drug free workplace policy which out lines the who, what, where, when, why and how of their drug testing program.

What is the best method for random testing?

Our best recommendation for a random drug testing program is to utilize a random selection process where everyone has an equal chance of being selected for the random test.  Some examples include: using a random-number table or a computer-based random number generator that’s traceable to a specific employee. The most important factor is to be sure to use a scientifically valid method to select employees for testing.

Employers who utilize a computerized random selection process will ensure that there is no bias and that all employees have an equal chance of being selected, regardless if individuals have been drug tested recently.

Implementing a random drug testing program may be a more effective method to detect and deter drug use in conjunction with pre-employment testing because employees are uncertain as to when they may be selected for testing.

Typically, most drug free workplace policies do not even outline the basics of a properly written policy and we find that many employers believe that merely having a statement that they are a drug free workplace is the policy.
It is important to be aware that a statement in your handbook does not constitute a policy and in fact, it may be opening your business/organization to potential liability.

How does the computerized method work?

Every employer can outline the parameters of their random drug testing program based on their specific drug free workplace policy. Their policy should set the number of employees to be tested and the frequency of such testing.

Privately owned non -regulated businesses can make that determination on a case by case basis. However, regulated companies such as those covered by CFR 49 part 40 must adhere to strict requirements regarding their random drug testing program. Below are the current random testing rates for businesses/individuals regulated or “covered” under CFR 49 Part 40.

The following chart outlines the annual minimum drug and alcohol random testing rates established within DOT Agencies and the USCG for 2018.
DOT Agency 2018 Random Drug Testing Rate 2018 Random Alcohol Testing Rates

The following chart outlines the annual minimum drug and alcohol random testing rates established within DOT Agencies and the USCG for 2018.

DOT Agency 2018 Random Drug Testing Rate 2018 Random Alcohol Testing Rate
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
25% 10%
Federal Aviation Administration
25% 10%
Federal Railroad Administration
25% – Covered Service 10% – Covered Service
50% – Maintenance of Way * 25% – Maintenance of Way *
Federal Transit Administration
25% 10%
Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
50% N/A
United States Coast Guard


(now with the Dept. of Homeland Security

25% N/A

Why Random Drug Testing

With today’s climate regarding drug use and abuse, there is a high probability of drug use occurring and by implementing a drug free workplace policy that is comprehensive and includes both pre-employment and random drug testing will help reduce the number of employees working at your company that are doing illegal drugs.
This will translate into less accidents, sick days, better productivity, and a safer work environment for both employees and customers.

Ensuring Employee Safety

Some occupations are dangerous to perform even when person is not impaired. Employees using heavy equipment, or operating machinery that requires an employee to be alert and not under the influence. Pre-employment urine drug testing typically provides a detection window of approximately 3-5 days; therefore, an individual seeking employment may stop using just to get the job and start right back up again.
Random drug testing will help deter use and that the employee doesn’t work while under the influence, protecting themselves, other staff and the public from potential accidents.

Employers having both pre-employment and a random drug testing program can assist your organization to stand out with respect to safety. In general, people want to feel safe and they want an organization to be reliable, consistent and provide clear and concise standards. Implementing a random testing program may help demonstrate that you invested in employee safety and your customer’s safety and satisfaction. Furthermore, it can also help you attract higher quality candidates leading to better job satisfaction, higher morale and increased productivity.

For more information on random drug testing call us today at 800-221-4291




This Saturday April 28, 2018 the DEA will be hosting its’ annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.  This important day is a vital factor which addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. Drug use, abuse and deaths associated with the National Opioids epidemic has reached an all time high.

In 2015 there was a National survey on drug use and health, which estimated that 6.4 million Americans abused controlled prescription drugs.

The data reported in the study illustrated that a significant portion of the abused prescription drugs were obtained from family, friends and often from someone’s home medicine cabinet.

How Did The Prescription Take Back Day Begin?

On September 8, 2014, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) issued a final rule available to the general public.  This final rule discussed the disposal of pharmaceutical controlled substances.  Click here for a summary of the Disposal Act.

The Disposal Act amended the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).  This amendment allowed the DEA the authority to disseminate the new regulations, within the framework of the CSA.  This will allow ultimate users to turn in any unused pharmaceutical or any controlled substances to appropriate locations for disposal in a safe and effective manner that would not negatively impact the environment and help secure any further unauthorized access to these substances. The purpose of the Disposal Act is to help support public and private entities to create a variety of methods of collection and disposal in a secure, convenient, and responsible manner.

Click here to locate a collection site near you  or call 800-882-9539

The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths.



How Long Will My Drug Test Results Take?

Many of our customers, clients, and industry partners ask us about the typical life or process of a drug test.  There are several factors that play a role in the cycle of a drug test, from collection, to analysis, and then issuance of the final result.

When a donor provides a specimen, the specimen begins on a journey of specific steps in a streamlined and systematic process to provide a consistent and reliable result.

All of our collection personnel are professionally trained and certified to ensure that they provide a positive experience for an individual submitting for a drug test.  This process is used in conjunction with our SAMHSA Certified laboratory teams that execute the highest standards of quality control and analysis on all specimens.

What are factors that relate to Drug Test Turnaround Times?

Turnaround time is a frequently used term to measure the length of time it takes to return a positive or negative drug test result to the employer or individual. We feel that it is an important concept to understand and should be used as one of the factors when you are selecting a drug testing provider and Laboratory.  We understand that as an employer, as you attempt to hire new candidates and get current employees back to work as quickly as possible is of the up most importance.

Our Laboratories measure turnaround time at 3 major time stamps throughout the process and we pride ourselves in keeping you informed of factors that could impact the drug testing process.

The Collection Site

Prior to the specimen reaching the lab, the collection site plays a role as the first step in the specimen life cycle.  Our collectors are trained to follow a strict standardized process at every location to help ensure the integrity of the collection process, specimens and the drug test results.

Our provider network has thousands of collection sites that are electronically enabled, which allows the collectors to begin, process and complete drug test collections using an electronic chain of custody form (eCCF).  This electronic CCF saves paper, generates more accurate time stamps and prevents human errors that could occur with the standard 5-part carbon copy CCF.


Once the donor has provided their specimen, the collection site arranges for the specimen to be picked up and transported directly to the Lab for processing.  Logistics plays a role in the turnaround time equation.  Some examples include the time the collection takes place (end of business day or after normal pick up time), day of the week the collection occurred, weather, and Holidays are just to name a few.

We understand that speed can be a critical component of a workplace drug testing program and we strive to provide the most efficient, accurate and streamlined process to exceed all our clients’ needs.

For more information on setting up an employer account or to learn more about becoming a drug free workplace click or call today 1-800-221-4291.

What happens when the Specimen Reaches the Lab?


  • Drug Testing specimens reach our laboratories though many different couriers and modes of transportation
  • Once they arrive at the unloading dock, they are considered “received” and enter processing.
  • Once the specimens are received,they are removed from their packaging, sorted by specimen type, and transitioned to the laboratory floor.

Testing Process

  • Entering the laboratory, specimens are accessioned into the laboratory management system.
  • All specimens go through an initial screening process which varies by specimen type
  • If the screening results are negative no further testing is needed
  • If the Initial screening indicates a presumptive positive (non-negative), the specimen will undergo further confirmation testing.

Result Reporting

  • All of our lab results whether they are negative or non-negative are sent to our in-house  Medical Review Officers (MRO), who analyze the results before releasing the final result.

The life cycle of a drug testing specimen can be filled with many twists and turns.  Here at Accredited Drug Testing, Inc., we pride ourselves on providing timely accurate results which is always the highest priority for our customers. It is important to remember that there are many factors contributing to the turnaround time of specimens.

What Is The Turn Around Time For A Urine Drug Test?

 The Laboratory conducts a two-tiered testing/confirmation process at the laboratory which is described as the initial screen and confirmation testing process.  Negative screening results are typically released with 24 hours and non-negative screens are typically released within an additional 24-72 hours.

What Is The Turn Around Time For a Hair Drug Test?

The Laboratory conducts a two-tiered testing/confirmation process at the laboratory which is described as the initial screen and confirmation testing process. Negative Screening Results are typically released within 48 hours and non-negative results requiring confirmation testing are typically released within an additional 48-72 hours.

Schedule Drug, Alcohol, DNA Tests

For more information on our drug testing process, turnaround times or to schedule a test call us today at (800)-221-4291