Category: DOT Drug Testing News


As of April 23, 2019, the Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated a final rule that makes a slight correction to OST, FAA, FTA and PHMSA regulations of drug testing for safety-sensitive employees to ensure consistency with the recent amendments made within the DOT’s regulation of, “Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs,” which added requirements to test for oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, and hydromorphone to DOT-regulated drug testing programs.

These changes in the regulations have now made it necessary to refer to listed substances, along with the previous covered drugs that include morphine, 6-acetylmorphine and codeine by the inclusive term “Opioids,” instead of “Opiates.” This new rule will ensure the regulations for FAA, FTA and PHMSA that all the Department of Transportation drug testing rules are consistent with one another and as well as the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs.

As stated in the official announcement, “this rule makes a conforming amendment to include the term “opioids” in the wording of the Department’s annual information collection requirement and clarifications to section 40.26 and Appendix H regarding the requirement for employers to follow the Department’s instructions for the annual information collection.”

Every day, more than 130 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids. The misuse of and addiction to opioids including, prescription pain relievers and heroin. Also, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. Stated by the U.S Department of Transportation, “The opioid crisis is a threat to public safety when it involves safety-sensitive employees involved in the operation of any kind of vehicle or transport,” said Secretary Elaine L. Chao. “The ability to test for a broader range of opioids will advance transportation safety significantly and provide another deterrence to opioid abuse, which will better protect the public and ultimately save lives.”

DOT-regulated employers will be required to test for all these highly abused opiods, it is very important to stay in compliance with Part 40 for the safety of yourself, employees and others around you. To schedule a drug test today visit our website at or give us a call today at (800) 221-4291. When you need a test, choose the best! 




On December 5, 2016, the FMCSA amended its rule that would establish requirements for commercial driver’s license drug and alcohol clearing house.  The Clearinghouse is a secure online database that will allow employers, FMCSA, State Driver Licensing Agencies and State Law Enforcement to access real time access to important information about a CDL Driver drug and alcohol program violations, which will ultimately enhance safety on our Nation’s public roadways.

When must the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse be used?

There are 2 keys dates with regards to the clearing house.  On January 6, 2020, authorized users will be required to complete the actions described in the Clearinghouse final rule. At this time, employers will be required to conduct both electronic queries and traditional manual inquiries with previous employers to meet the three-year time frame, required by FMCSA’s drug and alcohol use testing program.  This 3-year time frame is for checking CDL driver violation histories. It is important to note that drivers may also view their own records for information recorded on or after January 6, 2020.

On JANUARY 6, 2023: Once three years of violation data has been reported and stored in the Clearinghouse, employers are no longer required to also request information from the driver’s previous FMCSA-regulated employers under 391.23(e); an employer’s query of the Clearinghouse will satisfy that requirement.


What Information will the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Contain?

The FMCSA Clearinghouse will contain information on all CDL driver drug and alcohol program violations.

These violations include:

  • Report for duty/remain on duty for safety-sensitive function with alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater or while using any drug specified in the regulations (Part 40), other than those prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner
  • Alcohol use while performing, or within four hours of performing, a safety-sensitive function
  • Alcohol use within eight hours of a post-accident alcohol test
  • Test positive for use of specified drugs
  • Refusing to submit to a required alcohol or drug test

Who will be using the Clearinghouse?

Employer Responsibilities-

Employers must report drug and alcohol violations and check that no current or prospective employee is prohibited from performing safety-sensitive functions, such as operating a CMV, due to a drug and alcohol program violation for which a driver has not successfully completed a Return-To-Duty (RTD) process.

CDL Drivers Responsibilities- 

CDL drivers are responsible to view their own record, provide consent to current or prospective employers to access details about any drug and alcohol program violations, and select a Substance Abuse Professional, if needed

Medical Review Officers-

Report verified positive drug test results and test refusals

Substance Abuse Professionals-

Report Return to duty initial assessment and eligibility status for Return to duty testing.

Consortium/Third Party Administrators-

On behalf of an employer, report drug and alcohol program violations and perform driver queries as required


Query the Clearinghouse prior to completing licensing transactions

What drivers or employers will be impacted the FMCSA Clearinghouse?

All CDL drivers who operate CMVs on public roads, and their employers and service agents. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Interstate and intrastate motor carriers, including passenger carriers
  • School bus drivers
  • Construction Equipment Operators
  • Limousine Drivers
  • Municipal vehicle drivers (e.g., waste management vehicles)
  • Federal and State agencies that employ drivers subject to FMCSA drug and alcohol use testing regulations (e.g., Department of Defense, public transit)

For more information regarding the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse or to enroll in our DOT random drug and alcohol testing program, Call us today at 800-221-4291.



Accredited Drug Testing provides DOT reasonable suspicion training for supervisors utilizing an online training course in which upon completion a certification certificate will be issued.

The U.S. Department of Transportation requires that all agencies including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, PHMSA and USCG require training for DOT regulated employers to have supervisors trained in the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol use and impairment.

To order the easy to use on-line DOT reasonable suspicion Supervisor Training Course, please register for the course on-line 24/7.

Register Now!

Upon registration for the course, you will be sent a log in and password identification at which time you can access the training course and complete the training requirements.

Listed Below is the DOT Agency Training Requirements:

DOT Agency Training Time

Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA): 60 minutes-on controlled substances (drugs) and 60 minutes on alcohol misuse

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): -60 minutes-on controlled substances (drugs) and 60 minutes on alcohol misuse (In addition, supervisors must receive employee training .  Reasonable recurrent training is also required, typically every 12-18 months)

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA): -A total of 3 hours of training is required for this Agency.  1-hour drug, 1-hour alcohol and 1
hour post-accident determination training

Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 1-hour on controlled substances (drugs) and  1 hour on alcohol indicators of probable alcohol use.

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) -hour on controlled substances (drugs) and 1 hour on alcohol indicators of probable alcohol use.

United States Coast Guard (USCG) One-hour of training is required on the effects of drugs and alcohol on personal heath, safety, and work environment; and manifestations and behavioral cues that may
indicate drug and alcohol use and abuse.

DOT regulated companies which employ two or more (covered) employees must have supervisors who have completed the DOT Reasonable Suspicion Supervisor Training. Failing to comply with these training requirements can subject the regulated company to fines and other penalties.

For more information regarding specific DOT supervisor training requirements call us today at (800) 221-4291 or send us a message today!

Download DOT Agency Program Facts!


Five Department of Transportation Agencies have identified their random testing rates for 2019. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has not yet released the random testing rates for 2019 for the motor carrier industry. Many of the DOT agencies are increasing their random testing rates for 2019, find out below which agency increased their rates this calendar year. Make sure to stay in compliance within your agency this year and join our consortium today. We will help you manage and process all of your drug tests quickly, efficiently and smoothly.

FAA Federal Railroad Administration

For the 2019 calendar year, the minimum annual random testing rates for covered service employees will continue to be 25% for drugs and 10% for alcohol, while the minimum annual random testing rates for MOW employees will continue to be 50% for drugs and 25% for alcohol.

USCG United States Coast Guard

The U.S Coast Guard has increased the minimum random drug testing rate for 2019 as a result of MIS data for the most recent reporting year indicating that the positive rate is greater than 1%.  For 2019, the set  minimum random drug testing rate is at 50% for drugs and 25% for alcohol.

FTA Federal Transit Administration

Effective January 1st, 2019, the minimum rate of random drug testing will increase from 25% to 50% of covered employees for employers subject to FTA’s drug and alcohol regulation.  This change is due to an increase in the industry’s “positive rate” as reflected in random drug test data for the most recent reporting year.

 FAA Federal Aviation Administration

The FAA has determined that the minimum random drug and alcohol testing percentage rates the 2019 calendar year will remain at 25% for safety-sensitive employees for random drug testing and 10% of safety sensitive employees for random alcohol testing.

PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Material Administration

PHMSA has determined that the minimum random drug testing rate for covered employees will remain at 50% during calendar year 2019.

FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety

Although FMCSA has yet to confirm the testing rates for 2019, we expect employers governed by the agency will soon be drug testing more of their staff for years to come. We will update as soon as they  release their testing rates for the 2019 calendar year.

If you have not yet enrolled into a consortium, we have you covered! Make sure to stay in compliance this year, we handle everything you need and make sure you are always covered for all DOT regulations. If you would like to join our consortium today or find out more information, give us a call 800-221-4291 or visit our website at


On January 1st, 2018, the revised CFR 49 Part 40 Final rule. published November 13th, 2017, will be put into effect. This rule refers to the Drug and Alcohol testing procedures and programs to all safety-sensitive employees regulated by the U.S Department Of Transportation (DOT).

For those not currently familiar with the new revisions, a few major changes are as follows

  1. A DOT drug test will now test for Amphetamines, Cocaine, Marijuana, PCP, Opiates, Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone, and Oxycodone.
  2. Blind specimen testing is no longer required.
  3. Removing MDEA as a confirmatory test analyte from the existing drug-testing panel and adding MDA as an initial test analyte.

DOT Service Agents and DOT covered employers are starting to prepare for the impacts on the industry due to these changes.

CCF Forms

Which Federal Custody and Control Form may be used for DOT regulated testing on January 1, 2018, when the Rule becomes effective?

  • A revised Federal Custody and Control Form (CCF) was issued for federal drug testing in August of 2017.
  • The August 2017 CCF replaces the current 2013 version of the federal CCF and is very similar.
  • The 2017 CCF added hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, and oxymorphone to Section 5A (primary specimen report) on CCF copy 1 and changed Section 1D to have only one block checked for a DOT agency test.
  • The 2017 federal CCF cannot be used for DOT testing before January 1, 2018.
  • Laboratories will begin distributing the 2017 CCFs to collections sites and/or employer sites on January 1, 2018.

    SAPPA has partnered up with industry officials and testing laboratories to create the general understanding that the newly revised CCF forms will be issued out and cannot be used for testing until after January 1st, 2018. The revised forms may then be permitted for use for all DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing. The 2013 version of a CCF form is permitted up until the date of June 30th, 2018. At that time the 2013 version of the CCF form will be considered expired, and if used a detailed explanation of why will be requested by the laboratory.

While using the 2013 CCF form for a DOT Drug Test, MROs are required to test and report for expanded opiates. If a result is positive the MRO simply writes the name of the drug on the CCF copy two form that the specimen verified positive for.

  • MROs are permitted to report positives for the expanded opioid drugs after January 1, 2018, using the 2013 CCF copy 2.
  • MRO Sections (Step 6 & 7) of CCF Copy 2 are the same on the 2013 and 2017 CCFs. The MRO simply writes in the name of the drug(s) the specimen is verified positive for.

For any questions regarding DOT Compliance please contact Accredited Drug Testing at 800-221-4291.


Important DOT Notice!

The new DOT drug testing Custody and Control Form (CCF) is required to be used as of June 30, 2017.  It is important to note that utilizing the “old” CCF form will cause a significant delay in the issuance of your drug testing results.  Click here for the official DOT notice regarding this rule change which took effect on January 1, 2018.

What are the differences between the “new” revised CCF or the “old” CCF?

Since 2010, the old CCF has been in effect and is the current CCF used for all DOT regulated drug testing.

Below you will find some helpful changes/updates to the revised (new) CCF required as of June 30, 2018.

  • Step 1D-Removal of the DOT Check Box and hash line before the test “Specify DOT Agency”
  • Step 5A-  the new form now includes the 4 new analytes: (see picture below)
    • Oxycodone (OXY)
    • Oxymorphone (OXYM)
    • Hydrocodone (HYC) and
    • Hydromorphone (HYM)
  • The new rule has also removed the methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA) analyte.

Click here for the full version of the “New” Federal CCF

         If you need more information on the new CCF effective June 30, 2018 or to enroll in a random drug and alcohol testing program call us today 800-221-4291


As one of the Nation’s leading service providers for DOT, NON-DOT Drug Testing, Background Checks and full service TPA Services, Accredited Drug Testing, Inc. receives numerous inquiries from single operators, employers and DER’s Nationwide in regard to their New Entrant Safety Audit for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).  This audit typically occurs within 12 months of beginning safety sensitive operations.

We have provided a brief summary of the checklist as it pertains to the drug and alcohol program and driver qualification files.

What is required for the New Entrant Safety Audit?

Part 40 & 382 – Drug and Alcohol Program

Do you or your company have?

  • A DOT  Drug and Alcohol written policy and copies of driver’s acknowledgement of receipt (49 CFR382.601)
  • Proof of enrollment in 3rd party consortium and consortium roster showing all CDL drivers are enrolled in the random selection pool. (49 CFR 382.305 and 382.403)
  • Annual MIS Summary for previous calendar year indicating the total drivers in the selection pool, the number tested for controlled substance and the number selected for alcohol tests.
  • Negative Pre-employment drug test for each CDL driver also to include the Federal Custody and Control Form AND Negative test result signed by MRO (49 CFR 382.301)
  • ALL Positive or driver refusals for controlled substance and/or alcohol tests.
  • If the employer/carrier is using a driver who has tested positive for controlled substance or alcohol, provide evidence of the return to duty process and associated paperwork. (49 CFR 40 subpart O)
  • Proof of successful completion of supervisor reasonable suspicion training (49 CFR 382.603)
  • Documentation of ALL Post-accident controlled substance and alcohol test, if applicable (49 CFR 382.303)
  • Proof the employer has asked driver if they have ever tested positive, or refused to test, on any pre-employment-controlled substance or alcohol test, which they did not obtain safety sensitive transportation work covered by DOT testing rules. (CFR 49 40.25 j)

Part 391 – Do Your Driver Qualification Files contain the following?

  • Driver’s application for employment must meet requirements of 49 CFR 391.21
  • Inquiry to all previous employers within the past 3yrs – background check of safety sensitive functions. (49 CFR 391. 23a 2 & c)
  • Inquiry to state motor vehicle records (MVR) covering 3yrs dated within 30 days of hire (49 CFR 391.23a 1 & b)
  • Annual driver certificate of violation, if the driver has been with the carrier over 365 days (49 CFR 391.27)
  • Annual MVR, if the driver has been with carrier over 365 days (49 CFR 391.25)
  • Carrier’s annual review of MVR, if the driver has been with the carrier over 365 days (49 CFR 391.25)

Click here for the FMCSA New Entrant Safety Audit Resource Guide

Click here to download the FMCSA New Entrant Safety Program Brochure

For more information on implementing a DOT Drug Policy, MVR Reports or to enroll in a DOT random drug and alcohol testing pool, click the button below or call us at 800-221-4291

Schedule Drug Tests Online



Importance Notice!

Effective January 1, 2018, The Department of Transportation is amending its drug-testing program regulation to add hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and oxycodone to its drug-testing panel; add methylenedioxyamphetamine as an initial test analyte; and remove methylenedioxyethylamphetamine as a confirmatory test analyte. The revision of the drug-testing panel harmonizes DOT regulations with the revised HHS Mandatory Guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for Federal drug-testing programs for urine testing. This final rule clarifies certain existing drug-testing program provisions and definitions, makes technical amendments and removes the requirement for employers and Consortium/Third Party Administrators to submit blind specimens.


On November 10th 2017, The United States Department Of Transportation (DOT)  announced they will be amending the mandatory 5-panel drug screen to include expanded opiates, and expanding on CFR 49 Part 40.

Effective January 1st, 2018, the mandatory urine drug screening for all safety sensitive positions guided under CFR 49 Part 40 will include hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and oxycodone.

This new revision of HS Mandatory Guidelines with which the NPRM
proposed to harmonize Part 40, comes in two parts.

Part 1

Previous to this newly added regulation, the mandatory drug screening was a 5-panel urine which consisted of testing for the 5 most common street drugs.

A  5-Panel Urine Analysis consists of :

Amphetamines (Meth)
Phencyclidine (PCP)

As of January 1st, 2018, under the new revisions of CFR 49 Part 40, a DOT drug screening will test for four semi-synthetic opioids (i.e., hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone).  Some common names for these semi-synthetic opioids include OxyContin®, Percodan®, Percocet®, Vicodin®, Lortab®, Norco®, Dilaudid®, Exalgo®.

A 5-panel expanded opiates urine analysis consists of:

Amphetamines (Meth)
Phencyclidine (PCP)

What has caused this new DOT Part 40 Amendment?

Since President Donald Trumps declaration of the Opioid Crisis, America has become much more aware of the rapidly progressing problem of drug addiction.trump opioid crisisOn October 26th, 2017, President Trump directed the Department of Health and Human Services to declare the opioid crisis a public health emergency, striving to take action on this salient soar effecting the lives of American citizens today.

Opioid Addiction Statistics

A governmental account of drug overdose statistics shows that from the year 2015 to 2016 the death toll due to drug overdose rose 22 percent.

opioid statistics

This upwards trend of overdose has been on a steady incline since the year 2000 and was likely to continue until President Trump declared the opioid crisis.

opioid overdose

Knowing the disease of addiction himself through the actions of his brother, President Trump can understand the difficulties those who suffer from addiction face, making it known and urging Americans to remember the phrase “prevention not punishment”.

opioid overdose

Since the Opioid Crisis Americans have been made queenly aware of the consequences and statistics of drug abuse. How the opioid crisis has affected the American economy, the American workplace, and just America as a whole. Many now know that you don’t have to be an addict yourself to feel the effects of addiction.

Policy makers have quickly taken notice of these growing trends and decided to take swift action.

The DOT is one of the most prominent government sectors. The dot itself employs about 55,000 Americans, not including the employees in each DOT regulated agency.

Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA) FMCSA
“As the lead federal government agency responsible for regulating and providing safety oversight of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs), FMCSA’s mission is to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses.”

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) phmsa
“The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) operates in a dynamic and challenging environment. The scope and complexity of our safety mission will continue to grow, requiring that we fundamentally rethink how we will use data, information, and technology to achieve our safety goals.”

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
“Our continuing mission is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world.”

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)  
“The Federal Railroad Administration’s mission is to enable the safe, reliable, and efficient movement of people and goods for a strong America, now and in the future.”

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
FTA“The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides financial and technical assistance to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys, and ferries. FTA also oversees safety measures and helps develop next-generation technology research.” “Improving Public Transportation for America’s Communities”.

  USCGThe Coast Guard does not fall under the Department of Defense. Until recently, the Coast Guard was under the Department of Transportation.

Saftey Sensitive Positions

A safety-sensitive position refers to a job in which the employee is responsible for his or her own or other people’s safety. It also refers to jobs that would be particularly dangerous if performed under the influence of drugs or alcohol. For this reason, Safety-sensitive positions are often the focus of drug and alcohol testing.

Generally, DOT regulations cover safety-sensitive transportation employers and employees. Each DOT agency (e.g. FRA, FMCSA, FTA, FAA, and PHMSA) and the USCG have specific drug and alcohol testing regulations that outline who is subject to their testing regulations.

DOT Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance

The Director of the DOT Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance, Patrice Kelley, has been creating government substance abuse policies for many years. Under her jurisdiction, the new amendment to CFR 49 will help serve to uphold the ODAPC mission statement. ODAPC

“Ensure that the drug and alcohol testing policies and goals of the Secretary of Transportation are developed and carried out in a consistent, efficient, and effective manner within the transportation industries for the ultimate safety and protection of the traveling public. This is accomplished through program review, compliance evaluation, and the issuance of consistent guidance material for DOT Operating Administrations (OAs) and for their regulated industries.”

Part 2

HHS Mandatory Guidelines remove
methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA) as a confirmatory test analyte from the existing drug-testing panel and add methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) as an initial test analyte.

What does this mean?

An analyte is by definition a substance whose chemical constituents are being identified and measured. For example, morphine is the target analyte for codeine/morphine testing.  The DOT will now focus on the MDA analyte for its testing analysis, rather than the previous MDEA. This could lead to a test confirming positive due to the difference in the initial test analyte.

Initial test analyte Initial test cutoff concentration Confirmatory test analyte Confirmatory test cutoff concentration
Marijuana metabolites 50 ng/mL THCA 1 15 ng/mL.
Cocaine metabolites 150 ng/mL Benzoylecgonine 100 ng/mL.
Opiate metabolites
Codeine/Morphine 2 2000 ng/mL Codeine 2000 ng/mL.
Morphine 2000 ng/mL.
6-Acetylmorphine 10 ng/mL 6-Acetylmorphine 10 ng/mL.
Phencyclidine 25 ng/mL Phencyclidine 25 ng/mL.
Amphetamines 3
AMP/MAMP 4 500 ng/mL Amphetamine 250 ng/mL.
Methamphetamine 5 250 ng/mL.
MDMA 6 500 ng/mL MDMA 250 ng/mL.
MDA 7 250 ng/mL.
MDEA 8 250 ng/mL

Other recognizable CFR 49 Part 40 revisions 

Creating a name change from the word opiates to opioids now expands the drug testing panel to 6 commonly abused illicit and licit drugs  (Heroin); Codeine; Morphine, Hydrocodone; Hydromorphone; Oxymorphone; and Oxycodone.

  1. The DOT added a new section reiterating that, in the DOT testing program, only urine specimens can be collected and analyzed.
  2. The DOT added language further emphasizing the existing DOT prohibition on the use of DNA testing on DOT drug-testing specimens.
  3. The final rule made minor modifications to certain section headings.
  4. The final rule moved the list of Substance Abuse Professional certification organizations from the rule text to ODAPC’s website.
  5. The final rule moved the MIS instructions from Appendix H to ODAPC’s website.
  6. Outdated compliance dates were removed and links were updated.
  7. Appendices B, C, D, and H were updated.

The revision of the drug testing panel harmonizes DOT regulations with the revised HHS Mandatory Guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for Federal drug-testing programs for urine testing.

For any questions regarding DOT Drug Testing, or DOT compliance please visit us at or call (800)221-4291.


On August 10th 2017, President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency in the United States, known as the Opioid Epidemic.

More and more people are becoming aware of this rapidly growing issue that imposes a huge threat on American citizens.

Opioids are a class of drugs that include licit prescription pain relievers oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, fentanyl and others, as well as the illicit drug heroin. 



About 1.9 million Americans (0.8 percent) reported full-fledged opioid addiction*

What does this mean for you?

 Opioid Epidemic Affect On Employers

  • The use of opioids or prescription painkillers can result in drowsiness, inattentive behavior, dizziness, cloudiness, lack of motivation, and more. To ensure the safety of your staff, and others around them you should enroll yourself, and supervisors in reasonable suspicion drug training. This is a two-hour online course that informs on what signs to look out for, and the next steps one should take if these signs occur.Opioid epidemic
  • Reconsider becoming a drug-free workplace. Once it is known that your company is drug-free, it can limit the risk of work-related accidents, as well as prevent addiction from happening in an employee.
  • Create a drug and alcohol policy that allows your employees to confidentially share information with you about themselves. Make it known that your employees should feel comfortable sharing this information. Educate other employees on the current  Opioid Epidemic, and how they can help.

 Opioid Epidemic Affect On Employees

  • Being that the Opioid Epidemic has been declared a state of emergency, expect to see a few changes in company policies.

In the Department of Transportation, a request for a revision of the drug and alcohol policy has been made. If passed, the standardized drug test for the DOT will change from a 5-panel drug test to a 5-panel drug test with expanded opioid testing. While 5-panel drug tests include opiates, a SAMSHA regulated expanded test will examine for Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Oxycodone, and Oxymorphone.

  • Be expecting to take and pass a pre-employment drug screening for any job you are applying for.

In May 2017, the Federal Reserve took a survey on the reason why employers could not feel low skilled positions. One reason concluded that employees could not pass a drug test.

  • Under the American Disabilities Act or ADA, addiction itself is not considered a disability. However, if you previously engaged in the usage of drugs or alcohol, and are currently participating in a rehabilitation program, or have been successfully rehabilitated, you are eligible for social security benefits.

Opioid epidemic


As of October 11th, 2017, Patrice Kelly has been promoted from acting director to Director of the DOT Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy.

Mr. Jim Greer, of Accredited Drug Testing and his employees, would like to congratulate Ms. Patrice Kelly on her new title.

Patrice Kelly has been acting Director of The ODACP since 2013, and Deputy Director since 2008.

Before joining the ODACP in 2007, Ms.Kelly was the senior attorney for the FAA. She was the first FAA attorney to revoke an air carriers license for failing to implement drug and alcohol testing.

ODAPC’s mission is “to enhance public safety within transportation industries across the United States by issuing regulations to prevent alcohol misuse and illegal drug use in transportation systems and ensuring that DOT’s drug and alcohol policies are implemented in a consistent, fair, and efficient manner.”

Patrice Kelly has been comprehensively working on changing the drug and alcohol policies within the DOT, and other areas of The United States Government drug and alcohol regulated departments since 1996.

Jim Greer and Accredited Drug Testing would like to commend Ms.Kelly for her hard work, and dedication to the public safety of American Citizens.

accredited drug testing


Accredited Drug Testing is a 24/7 national scheduling company for all DOT and non-DOT screening needs. We provide DOT-regulated drug testing, DOT and non-DOT regulated health screenings, DNA sampling, and vaccinations.